Diabetes. The Ultimate Guide to Lasting Diabetes Control.: Tips and Advice for Successful Treatment of Diabetes.
This new book on Diabetes covers in detail the symptoms, causes and treatment of Diabetes. The information in this book will empower you with effective tools to not just control your blood sugar, insulin resistance and Diabetes in general but shows you easy ways to remove the fear of complications of diabetes and in some cases even reverse diabetes.
Even if your diabetes and blood sugar is poorly controlled, you can be assured that if you follow the information in this book, you will significantly reduce the risk of visual loss and kidney failure. Importantly, you will reduce the diabetic complications of stroke and heart disease regarded as the diseases of affluence along with diabetes, cancers, obesity and high blood pressure.
In the past, Diabetes was seen as a disease we had to live with but cutting edge research is leading the way and for most of us, especially type 2 Diabetics, we can live a life free of the symptoms of diabetes. Dietary and lifestyle changes can do wonders for your Diabetic control. This book guides you through the types of exercise, diet and lifestyle changes for better control of your diabetes.
Understanding how type 1 and type 2 diabetes develop will give you the knowledge to gain better diabetic control and prevent onset in your children and other members of your family.
This book explains AGEs and oxidative stress and how they affect your diabetes and can lead to complications and how to reduce them for better diabetic control. In addition, leptin resistance is covered in detail. Leptin resistance and insulin resistance is almost at epidemic levels and impacts negatively on diabetes. Understanding leptin resistance in Diabetes will help you with your weight and long term control of your diabetes.
What is covered in this book:
What is diabetes?
Symptoms of Diabetes.
Types of Diabetes
History of Diabetes and Insulin
Haemoglobin 1Ac and diabetes
Glycaemic Index and diabetes
Gut Symptoms of Diabetes
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)
Dietary Substances, effect on AGEs and Diabetes
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and diabetes
Fasting and Diabetes
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) and diabetes
Exercise and the positive effect in Diabetes
Genetics and diabetes
Stress as a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes
Melatonin and diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Diets that Work for diabetes
Lactose Intolerance and diabetes
Why the Paleo Diet works in diabetes
Phytonutrients and their importance in diabetes
What is oxidative stress and the effect on diabetes
Weight Loss and diabetes
Leptin and Insulin Resistance
Agrarian Diet and diabetes
Food and Diabetes
Polyol Pathway and its effect in uncontrolled diabetes
Alcohol and diabetes
Diabetic Control: Foods to Consider
Recipes for diabetes
2014年09月28日 19時 日曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>
Diabetes. The Ultimate Guide to Lasting Diabetes Control.: Tips and Advice for Successful Treatment of Diabetes.
This new book on Diabetes covers in detail the symptoms, causes and treatment of Diabetes. The information in this book will empower you with effective tools to not just control your blood sugar, insulin resistance and Diabetes in general but shows you easy ways to remove the fear of complications of diabetes and in some cases even reverse diabetes.
Even if your diabetes and blood sugar is poorly controlled, you can be assured that if you follow the information in this book, you will significantly reduce the risk of visual loss and kidney failure. Importantly, you will reduce the diabetic complications of stroke and heart disease regarded as the diseases of affluence along with diabetes, cancers, obesity and high blood pressure.
In the past, Diabetes was seen as a disease we had to live with but cutting edge research is leading the way and for most of us, especially type 2 Diabetics, we can live a life free of the symptoms of diabetes. Dietary and lifestyle changes can do wonders for your Diabetic control. This book guides you through the types of exercise, diet and lifestyle changes for better control of your diabetes.
Understanding how type 1 and type 2 diabetes develop will give you the knowledge to gain better diabetic control and prevent onset in your children and other members of your family.
This book explains AGEs and oxidative stress and how they affect your diabetes and can lead to complications and how to reduce them for better diabetic control. In addition, leptin resistance is covered in detail. Leptin resistance and insulin resistance is almost at epidemic levels and impacts negatively on diabetes. Understanding leptin resistance in Diabetes will help you with your weight and long term control of your diabetes.
What is covered in this book:
What is diabetes?
Symptoms of Diabetes.
Types of Diabetes
History of Diabetes and Insulin
Haemoglobin 1Ac and diabetes
Glycaemic Index and diabetes
Gut Symptoms of Diabetes
Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs)
Dietary Substances, effect on AGEs and Diabetes
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA) and diabetes
Fasting and Diabetes
Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) and diabetes
Exercise and the positive effect in Diabetes
Genetics and diabetes
Stress as a risk factor for Type 2 Diabetes
Melatonin and diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Diets that Work for diabetes
Lactose Intolerance and diabetes
Why the Paleo Diet works in diabetes
Phytonutrients and their importance in diabetes
What is oxidative stress and the effect on diabetes
Weight Loss and diabetes
Leptin and Insulin Resistance
Agrarian Diet and diabetes
Food and Diabetes
Polyol Pathway and its effect in uncontrolled diabetes
Alcohol and diabetes
Diabetic Control: Foods to Consider
Recipes for diabetes
2014年09月28日 19時 日曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>