Adventures in Single Parenting 2nd Edition
Single parenting is one of the most difficult challenges we can face in life. Certainly, it is an Adventure hence the title, “Adventures in Single Parenting”. This is the book I wish I could have read before the kids moved in. I was, and still am, a member of that rare breed: the single father. When I started writing about our adventures, I thought it was going to be about single fathering. I originally intended it to be a book for men who were single parents. As I thought about it and wrote about single fathering, I realized that most of my experiences were similar to the experiences of my lady friends who were also single parents. I came to understand that this was not just about single fathering but also about single mothering. That's when I realized that there is very little distinction between single fathering and single mothering. In fact, the single parent is both the mommy and the daddy all rolled up into one. I hope you get as much out of this book as I put into it. As always, my wish for you is that your children grow up happy, healthy and are positive contributors to society. If you only find one nugget of wisdom in these pages to help you and your children grow together, I will have succeeded. If the book helps immensely, I will have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

2013年10月08日 10時 火曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>
Adventures in Single Parenting 2nd Edition
Single parenting is one of the most difficult challenges we can face in life. Certainly, it is an Adventure hence the title, “Adventures in Single Parenting”. This is the book I wish I could have read before the kids moved in. I was, and still am, a member of that rare breed: the single father. When I started writing about our adventures, I thought it was going to be about single fathering. I originally intended it to be a book for men who were single parents. As I thought about it and wrote about single fathering, I realized that most of my experiences were similar to the experiences of my lady friends who were also single parents. I came to understand that this was not just about single fathering but also about single mothering. That's when I realized that there is very little distinction between single fathering and single mothering. In fact, the single parent is both the mommy and the daddy all rolled up into one. I hope you get as much out of this book as I put into it. As always, my wish for you is that your children grow up happy, healthy and are positive contributors to society. If you only find one nugget of wisdom in these pages to help you and your children grow together, I will have succeeded. If the book helps immensely, I will have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.

2013年10月08日 10時 火曜日feat. D.O リローデッド 続き>>