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2014年08月29日 20時 金曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

2e ドゥーエ モイスチャーミスト50g Moisture Mist[保湿ミスト]販売元:マルホ・製造発売元:資生堂


2014年08月28日 23時 木曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>

■商品ランク:B■表記サイズ:F■平置き実寸:着丈51cm 身幅35cm■カラー:グレー■素材:綿55% レーヨン45%■透け感:なし■裏地:なし■付属品:なし■汚れ・染み:目立たない程度あり■傷・引掻き:なし■毛玉・毛羽立ち:なし■使用感:あり■色あせ:なし■ほつれ:なし■詳細:首元若干色移り有り beaiag timesc03 sr1


2014年08月28日 19時 木曜日feat. D.O ファイナル 続き>>

Soft Tissue Roentgenography in Diagnosis of Thyroid Cancer: Detection of Psammoma Bodies by Spot-Tangential Projection
The practice of medicine changes continually, as science guides the physician to the accomplishment of his objective, the cure of the patient. Study of the history of medicine shows that often a remedy of a disease was discovered before the cause of the disease was known. Often the remedy was unnecessarily complicated, but when the cause of the trouble was discovered, the cure became simple and safe. It is with the better under­ standing of the true nature of thyroid disease that this book is concerned. Those who read it will be able to make their treatments of patients with diseases of the thyroid more simple and more safe. Dr. MASAYOSHI AKISADA and Dr. YOSHIHIDE FUJIMOTO have given to thyroidologists a new way of recognizing cancers of the thyroid. Taking advantage of the fact that many cancers of the thyroid contain minute areas of calcification known as psammoma bodies, they have developed a technique of roentgenographic examination of the thyroid that is sensitive enough to show these tiny opacities and to warn the internist and the surgeon that cancer is probably present. There is no question that this sensitive diagnostic test will prove to be of value comparable to that of mammography.

2014年08月27日 20時 水曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

Body Aches: A Text-A-Nurse Cozy Mystery Book 2: A Cozy Mystery Series
This cozy mystery series features a quirky amateur sleuth with a penchant for solving murder by using her nursing instincts.

Reece Carson, nurse entrepreneur, isn’t looking for trouble on New Year’s Eve in this cozy mystery series. No, she’s standing on a rooftop in her hot boyfriend’s arms waiting for the MoonPie drop to ring in the New Year. Instead of celebrating, she’s the lone eyewitness to the first murder of the year. And the victim isn’t just any Mobilian. He’s the co-winner of the biggest jackpot ever won from Powerball, and he’s the half owner of Mobile’s newest business, Top Hat.

Most people think he was murdered for his money, gambling debts, or mob connections, but Reece isn’t convinced. The police track his finances and close associates. She’s drawn into the investigation because she finds the first piece of evidence, and she’s convinced the victim turned to wave at someone near a gate. Someone who never came forward, leading Reece to suspect there is another eyewitness.

She investigates the meaning of the dead man’s tattoo while juggling her clients, curtailing the snoopy antics of her next-door neighbor, fathoming the secret thoughts of Sheba, her ninja cat, and trying to keep her pregnant sister out of the clutches of a mesmerizing former boyfriend. Honestly, the only thing in this amateur sleuth’s life operating as it should is her relationship with Glenn Hanover.

The closer Reece gets to answers the more her ankle throbs, because the last murderer she unveiled broke it with Glenn’s favorite bat. Reece is convinced at the heart of this murder lies a festering secret or black-hearted lie. She already knows that secrets can come back to kill, but she’s about to learn a lie breeds the nastiest revenge of all.

Body Aches is Book 2 in the Reece Carson Text-A-Nurse cozy mystery series.

Body Wave is Book 1 in the Reece Carson Text-A-Nurse cozy mystery series.


2014年08月26日 05時 火曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>

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