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The Healthy Vegan Slow Cooker: 220 Recipes Cookbook-【電子ブック版】
<p>If you want to prepare hot, nutritious, home-cooked meals for your family and friends, but feel like time is never on your side, think again! The Vegan Slow Cooker will allow you to come home from work to a wonderful prepared Vegan meal.</p><p>With more than 225 recipes, you’ll find all the tasty inspiration you need to pull that neglected crock pot out of storage and get start creating compassionate, crave-worthy meals today. Home cooking has never been more easy, or delicious</p><p>The recipes provided in this book are wholesome and tasty. Simple to prepare, yet totally delicious these recipes will be a surprise!</p><p>Slow cookers are among an array of old kitchen gadgets making a comeback. Most of us are experiencing the joys of cooking delicious readymade meals at home.</p><p>The extended cooking times allow better distribution of flavors in many recipes.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

2013年10月02日 15時 水曜日feat. D.O ファイナル 続き>>

【中古】コレクションカード(女性)/小阪由佳 オフィシャルカードコレクション Sweer moment 2 : 小阪由佳/小阪由佳 オフィシャルカードコレクション Sweer moment【10P25Sep13】【画】
発売日 - メーカー希望小売価格 - メーカー - 型番 - 出演 小阪由佳  備考レア度:レギュラーカード 関連商品はこちらから 小阪由佳 
9/29 10:00〜10/2 23:59は各キャンペーンにエントリーで14倍!
2013年10月02日 14時 水曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>

【相性保証付★NO:D-C-4】3D対応ハイスペックHDMIカラーケープル【2m】 ハイビジョン/3D映像(1.4規格)/イーサネット対応/HDTV(1080P)対応/金メッキ仕様 PS3対応・各種AVリンク対応Donyaダイレクト 【メール便対応】
■製品の詳細情報■ 対応機種 デジタルハイビジョンビデオカメラHDMIの入力端子を持つAV機器、ゲーム機、PC周辺機器 規格 HDMI(タイプA/19ピン)ーHDMI(タイプA/19ピン)Ver1.4(3D映像伝送、Etherentチャネル対応) ケーブルタイプ ノーマルタイプ 伝送速度 10.2Gbps シールド方法 三重シールドTMDS部:アルミシールド外周部:編組+アルミシールド プラグメッキ仕様 金メッキ端子 ケーブル長さ 2m パッケージ ビニール袋 検索用キーワード hdmiケーブル hdmiセレクター hdmi分配器 hdmi変換 hdmiケーブル3m hdmiケーブル2m hdmiケーブル5m hdmiケーブル10m hdmiミニケーブル hdmiミニ hdmi dvi 変換 hdmi dvi hdmi延長 micro リモコン アナログ マイクロ アダプター コネクター HDMI タイプA タイプB HDMI端子 ハイビジョン対応 Donyaダイレクト DVDレコーダーやデジタルチューナーと 液晶 プラズマテレビ TV  8ピン 19ピン 30ピン Lightning USB AV AVリンク対応・高感度金メッキ仕様 iphone iphone5 iphone4s iphone4 ipad ipad2 ipad3 ipad4 ipadミニ ipod psp ps3au softbank docomo DOCOMO ドコモ カバー アイパッド アイパッド2 Xperia GX medias optimus AQUOS PHONE Galaxy PS vita 3DS モバイルバッテリー 8ピン 19ピン 30ピン Lightning USB
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2013年10月02日 11時 水曜日feat. D.O R 続き>>

I Can't Believe It's Vegan! Volume 1 – All American Crock Pot Classics: Our Top 10 All-Time Favorite Kitchen-Tested, Family-Feeding, Down Home Delicious Vegan Slow Cooker Recipes
Now you can "Live like a vegan, but eat like an American!" with these 100% "veganized" all-American Crock Pot Classics! Try:

Thick and Creamy Potato Double Corn Chowder

N’Orleans Vegan Soyrizo Gumbo

(I Can't Believe It's) NOT BEEF STEW!

Vegan Crock Pot Roast

Easy Vegan Slow Cooker Ham & Beans

Vego de Mayo Vegan Taco Soup

Vegan Slow Cooker Sloppy Joes

Vegan Slow Cooker Lasagna

Chicken Crock Pot Cacciatore (NOT!)

Crock Pot Vegan Meatballs

"Meatless" Does Not Equal "Boring"

Probably the biggest obstacle preventing most Americans, even those who feel powerfully drawn to the ethics of a meat-free lifestyle, from going vegetarian or full vegan is fear of the unknown.

Will giving up meat mean I have to eat lettuce and bean sprouts all day? Isn't all vegan food super-expensive weird stuff you have to buy at a health food store? What about the meals I loved as a kid that I still love... Do I have to surrender everything...? I'll get bored! I can't do it!

With this cookbook (or any cookbook by Felix and Carol Ann Whelan) in your hands, yes you can!

Carol Ann and I grew up in the American Midwest during the 1970s, members of normal, Middle Class, meat-loving families, raised on a steady diet of good, old-fashioned all-American comfort food. "American cuisine" is in our genes, so when we first went vegetarian (each of us, individually, before we met) we had the same doubts any other red-blooded American would have at the thought of exchanging burgers and fried chicken, beef stew and pot roast, sloppy Joes and meatball sandwiches for "rabbit food"...

But, as it turns out, that wasn't the bargain at all. The truth is that you can, in fact, live life as a vegan, but still eat like an American! This book will prove it to you.

What we have discovered over the years, and will be sharing with you in this series of cookbooks, is that we have yet to discover a single American Classic meal that can't be re-created vegan... and taste just as good, if not better, than the original.

If you're not already vegetarian, we hope these recipes inspire you to take the plunge. If you're already vegetarian or vegan, we hope you'll cook these dishes for your carnivorous friends, and let them experience first hand that going meatless requires no sacrifice of flavor or food favorites at all!

A Word About Meat Substitutes

This is a cookbook series focused on American Cuisine. American Cuisine is, almost by definition, "meat heavy." You can't just leave the meat out of most classic American dishes and reach the same result. "Pot roast" without the "roast" is just vegetables. Tasty vegetables in gravy, but still just vegetables. If that had the power to win anybody over, the whole world would have gone vegetarian a long time ago...

So we turn to meat substitutes. All of the recipes in this cookbook call for one meat substitute or another, so as to keep them vegan, but still grant them their unique American appeal. Some recipes call for readily available commercial products, like Boca crumbles, Morningstar Chik'n Strips, or Soyrizo. Others tell you how to create your own meat substitutes using tofu, TVP, vital wheat gluten, etc.

They way I see it, if people who think they can't live without the taste and texture of meat discover they can satisfy their cravings with plant-based substitutes, it makes embracing vegetarianism easier, and more and more people will do it. "Meat substitutes" will eventually become just "meat." In the future vegan world we are all working toward, no one will even remember that "meat" ever came from our animal friends. "Meat has always been a soy product, right...?"

That's the dream, anyway. Help me make it a reality!

Felix Whelan blogs about vegetarian cuisine, the Catholic Faith, and his amazing family at www.FelixatFifty.com.

2013年10月02日 05時 水曜日feat. D.O D.Oレボリューションズ 続き>>

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