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Motivation Programming: Experience Life on God Mode and Stay Motivated Past the Expiration Date (Developed Life Career Series, Motivation Books, Motivation to Lose Weight, Motivation to Exercise)

Motivation Programming: Experience Life on “God Mode” and Stay Motivated Past the Expiration Date (NOTE: YOU DON’T NEED A KINDLE TO READ KINDLE BOOKS! Just check your virtual cloud on the Amazon site!)

Motivation is an elusive concept. It’s constantly just out of our grasp. At times, we become empowered and move forward toward a new goal with great conviction, and yet just as easily our batteries seem to run out, and we’re back to eating Freetos on the couch. How do we change this?

My name is Cyrus Thomson, and I believe the answer lies with the ability to mentally “program” yourself in a different way by using unlikely sources (such as fear) to change your motivation levels. Whether you seek the motivation to exercise, the motivation to workout, or just the motivation to change in general—this program is designed for YOU.

There’s a lot of junky self-help and motivation books on the Kindle market, and the purpose of this book is to try and create something that targets the bigger picture: figuring out WHY it’s so hard to stay motivated, and doing something about it by exploring concepts that few others dare to touch.

This Book is a Complete Guidebook to Learning How to Stay Motivated All of the Time, No Matter What Your Endeavor Is

Here is some of the results you can experience through this program:

    • The ability to stay motivated ALL the time, in a perpetual fashion that helps you to DOMINATE the competition and achieve results nobody else imagined you were capable of.
    • Newfound knowledge about the secrets used by the world’s most successful people to stay kickin’ even in the face of hardship or bad sales.
    • The ability to stick to a fitness or diet regiment through the focused motivation to exercise that you did not think you were capable of.
    • The ability to utilize FEAR to SERVE you versus HINDER you. Exploiting negative emotions to keep you running faster toward your goals than ever before
    • Knowledge of the power of emotional energies, and how they can be manipulated to create more motivation (plus the dangers of anger).
    • And a Lot More

If You’re Wondering What’s Inside, Here’s a Preview of Some of What You’ll Discover

      • The Introduction to Mental Programming
      • The Power of Outcome Independence
      • The Lifestyle Paradigm
      • The Power of Fear
      • Unhealthy Fear Versus Motivational Fear
      • Finding and Utilizing Your Raw Talents
      • Motivating Others
      • And A Lot More!

Download a Copy Today

      Just click “Buy” and a copy of “Motivation Programming” will be yours forever. Don’t worry, you won’t need a Kindle to read it—just download it right to your Amazon cloud library and you can access it right away.


2014年02月25日 08時 火曜日feat. D.O ファイナル 続き>>

Screens: Viewing Media Installation Art: 30 (Electronic Mediations)

Media screens—film, video, and computer screens—have increasingly pervaded both artistic production and everyday life since the 1960s. Yet the nature of viewing artworks made from these media, along with their subjective effects, remains largely unexplored. Screens addresses this gap, offering a historical and theoretical framework for understanding screen-reliant installation art and the spectatorship it evokes.

Examining a range of installations created over the past fifty years that investigate the rich terrain between the sculptural and the cinematic, including works by artists such as Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Doug Aitken, Peter Campus, Dan Graham, VALIE EXPORT, Bruce Nauman, and Michael Snow, Kate Mondloch traces the construction of screen spectatorship in art from the seminal film and video installations of the 1960s and 1970s to the new media artworks of today’s digital culture.

Mondloch identifies a momentous shift in contemporary art that challenges key premises of spectatorship brought about by technological objects that literally and metaphorically filter the subject’s field of vision. As a result she proposes that contemporary viewers are, quite literally, screen subjects and offers the unique critical leverage of art as an alternative way to understand media culture and contemporary visuality.


2014年02月25日 07時 火曜日feat. D.O D.O 続き>>

Becky Barbie バービー's Friend Paralympic Champion Sydney 2000 人形 ドール
【商品名】Becky Barbie バービー's Friend Paralympic Champion Sydney 2000 人形 ドール【カテゴリー】おもちゃ:人形・ドール


2014年02月24日 00時 月曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>

Violent Islamist Extremism, The Internet, and the Homegrown Terrorist Threat
This is the first in a series of reports by the Majority and Minority staff of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (Committee) on the threat of homegrown terrorism inspired by violent Islamist extremism. The Committee initiated an investigation into this threat during the 109th Congress under the leadership of Chairman Susan Collins (R-ME). The first hearing on the homegrown threat considered the potential for radicalization in U.S. prisons, including an examination of the activities of Kevin Lamar James, an American citizen. While in prison, James adopted a variant of violent Islamist ideology, founded an organization known as the Assembly for Authentic Islam (or JIS, the Arabic initials for the group), and began converting fellow prisoners to his cause. Upon release, James recruited members of JIS to commit at least 11 armed robberies, the proceeds from which were to be used to finance attacks against military installations and other targets in southern California. James and another member of the group eventually pled guilty to conspiring to wage war against the United States.

The James case is only one example of how the violent Islamist terrorist threat has evolved and expanded since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Al-Qaeda planned the 9/11 attacks and recruited the hijackers abroad before sending them to the United States to make final preparations for the operation. The 9/11 hijackers were indoctrinated into the violent Islamist mindset long before they set foot in the United States. As the James case and others illustrate, however, radicalization is no longer confined to training camps in Afghanistan or other locations far from our shores; it is also occurring right here in the United States.

During the 110th Congress, under the leadership of Chairman Joseph Lieberman (ID-CT), the Committee continued its investigation into the threat of domestic radicalization and homegrown terrorism inspired by violent Islamist ideology. The Committee has held five more hearings exploring a range of subjects, including an assessment of the homegrown threat in the United States, the European experience with domestic radicalization, the federal government’s efforts to counter the homegrown terrorist threat, the role of local law enforcement in responding to the threat, and the Internet’s role in the radicalization process.

This staff report concerns the last of these subjects – how violent Islamist terrorist groups like al-Qaeda are using the Internet to enlist followers into the global violent Islamist terrorist movement and to increase support for the movement, ranging from ideological support, to fundraising, and ultimately to planning and executing terrorist attacks. In the second section of this report, we examine the increasing number of homegrown incidents and the judgments of the intelligence and law enforcement communities that there will likely be additional homegrown threats in the future. The third section explores the four-step radicalization process through which an individual can be enticed to adopt a violent Islamist extremist mindset and act on the ideology’s call to violence. Section four identifies the disturbingly broad array of materials available on the Internet that promote the violent Islamist extremist ideology. The availability of these resources is not haphazard, but is part of a comprehensive, tightly controlled messaging campaign by al-Qaeda and like-minded extremists designed to spread their violent message. The fifth section of the report examines how these materials facilitate and encourage the radicalization process.


2014年02月23日 10時 日曜日feat. D.O next 続き>>

Organ and Tissue Donation and Recovery: The New Jersey Requirement
The purpose of this course is to provide nurses with information regarding the clinical aspects of organ and tissue donation and recovery, including strategies to overcome barriers to donation. In addition, members of the public may use this course to enhance their personal knowledge of the subject matter presented.

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

1. Outline trends in organ donation and transplant needs.

2. Describe the organ/tissue donation process, including donor selection and preservation of tissues.

3. Utilize knowledge of the clinical aspects of organ/tissue donation to create comprehensive strategies that target critical barriers to donation and recovery.

This 1-hour continuing education course is available for download for professional development; if continuing education credit is desired, please see instructions included in eBook.


2014年02月23日 09時 日曜日feat. D.O Normal 続き>>

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