2013年12月09日 14時 月曜日feat. D.O Revolutions 続き>>
2013年12月09日 14時 月曜日feat. D.O ファイナル 続き>>
質top 新品【アロボ】Rice Cooker CLV-229 炊飯ジャー 3合炊き
Title:質top 新品【アロボ】Rice Cooker CLV-229 炊飯ジャー 3合炊き
2013年12月09日 08時 月曜日feat. D.O ファイナル 続き>>
Zodiac Puzzles for Scroll Saw Woodworking: 30 Projects from the Eastern and Western Calendars [ Judy Peterson ]
ZODIAC PUZZLES FOR SCROLL SAW Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Book Judy Peterson Dave Peterson FOX CHAPEL PUB2009 Paperback English ISBN:9781565233935 A comprehensive pattern and project guidebook for making interlocking puzzles, this exciting collection is based on astrological signs. With two complete projectsーーCapricorn and Year of the Horseーーnovice scrollers will benefit from stepーbyーstep guidance and 22 additional zodiac patterns and six bonus patterns based on other celestial bodies, including the Big Dipper and Orion. With projects provided in a detailed cutting pattern and a solid silhouette version, each offering is fully adaptable to a wide variety of media. Fascinating information about each astrological sign, including its character traits, and corresponding calendar dates, and a photograph of the source material used to design the pattern accompany each project. 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies
2013年12月09日 04時 月曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>
Zodiac Puzzles for Scroll Saw Woodworking: 30 Projects from the Eastern and Western Calendars [ Judy Peterson ]
ZODIAC PUZZLES FOR SCROLL SAW Scroll Saw Woodworking & Crafts Book Judy Peterson Dave Peterson FOX CHAPEL PUB2009 Paperback English ISBN:9781565233935 A comprehensive pattern and project guidebook for making interlocking puzzles, this exciting collection is based on astrological signs. With two complete projectsーーCapricorn and Year of the Horseーーnovice scrollers will benefit from stepーbyーstep guidance and 22 additional zodiac patterns and six bonus patterns based on other celestial bodies, including the Big Dipper and Orion. With projects provided in a detailed cutting pattern and a solid silhouette version, each offering is fully adaptable to a wide variety of media. Fascinating information about each astrological sign, including its character traits, and corresponding calendar dates, and a photograph of the source material used to design the pattern accompany each project. 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Crafts & Hobbies
2013年12月09日 04時 月曜日feat. D.O フェニックス 続き>>
Explanation in the Special Sciences: The Case of Biology and History (Synthese Library)
Biology and history are often viewed as closely related disciplines, with biology informed by history, especially in its task of charting our evolutionary past. Maximizing the opportunities for cross-fertilization in these two fields requires an accurate reckoning of their commonalities and differences—precisely what this volume sets out to achieve. Specially commissioned essays by a team of recognized international researchers cover the full panoply of topics in these fields and include notable contributions on the correlativity of evolutionary and historical explanations, applying to history the latest causal-mechanical approach in the philosophy of biology, and the question of generalized laws that might pertain across the two subjects.
The collection opens with a vital interrogation of general issues on explanation that apart from potentially fruitful areas of interaction (could the etiology of the causal-mechanical perspective in biology account for the historical trajectory of the Roman Empire?) this volume also seeks to chart relative certainties distinguishing explanations in biology and history. It also assesses techniques such as the use of probabilities in biological reconstruction, deployed to overcome the inevitable gaps in physical evidence on early evolution. Methodologies such as causal graphs and semantic explanation receive in-depth analysis. Contributions from a host of prominent and widely read philosophers ensure that this new volume has the stature of a major addition to the literature.
2013年12月07日 19時 土曜日feat. D.O Reloaded 続き>>